Bring the Change for a Sustainable Future With Compostable Garbage Bags

Author: NaturTrust Time: 26-10-2022 06:43:04
Compostable Garbage Bags

Plastic garbage bags are used widely on regular basis. But, most of us are unaware of the damage we inflict on our nature and surroundings. Tons of landfills are being filled on daily basis and that is causing environmental degradation. Traditional or plastic garbage bags are not Compostable and along with plastic bags, even the waste materials inside the bags do not decompose easily. It takes years to decompose and that consistently results in environmental degradation.

With the ongoing research, we have made effective options available but there is a lack of awareness among the people. We need to act at the earliest and switch to Compostable garbage bags as the eco-friendly alternative to plastic garbage bags. Compostable bags can be decomposed by living bacteria or other organisms. Apart from the fact, Compostable bags help keep landfills clear of all kinds of waste or plastic, they are a step further in providing the soil with the nutrients it requires through composting.

Compostable trash bags are an excellent choice as a substitute for plastic garbage bags. These bags are made of eco-friendly raw materials and are made to break down quickly in certain conditions (typically high temperatures and moisture). In an industrial composting environment that is active, they get reduced to biomass within two weeks.

The majority of kitchen garbage bags don’t have a chance to be recycled. The reason is that plastic bags are extremely thin and pose the risk of getting caught in the machines for processing plastic, eventually blocking them. Such bags are generally not accepted as recyclable materials.

Why Does it Matter to Use Compostable Garbage Bags?

Alongside their inability to be degraded and the potential in contaminating soils, these bags can cause significant harm to marine species. Many people aren’t concerned about whether they are using Compostable yard waste bags to minimize their environmental impact or not. However, once they are conscious of the harm they cause, they realize that it really does really matter.

It is believed at 500 billion bags of plastic are consumed globally each year. Since they’re not recyclable, think of the quantity of decomposed bags that end up in rivers, landfills, and oceans. While many nations have made laws that ban single-use plastics, there’s still a lot to take and by using environmentally sustainable trash bags, you are making a difference from the comfort of your house.

How NaturTrust is Bringing Change with its Eco-Friendly Products? 

NaturTrust with its tagline “Acting Today, Sustaining Tomorrow” is successfully bringing change with its wide range of sustainable products. The company is bringing the best to the forefront of society with its innovative research and technology. The products offered by this company are world-class, Compostable, and certified with an assurance to safeguard the environment and natural resources from any damage. Compostable garbage bags offered by NaturTrust are the best and most effective eco-friendly products for industries like fashion, e-commerce, health, HORECA, and retail. Continuous research and development by the expert team of NaturTrust ensure high-quality products for a green and clean environment for all.


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