An attainable approach to Zero Waste Living.

Demystifying ‘Zero Waste Living’
“A zero waste lifestyle is all about being open to the idea of slowing down, choosing effort over convenience and incorporating used or repurposed materials back into your regime, as much as possible.”
If you’re remotely interested in the concept of sustainability, chances are that you stumble upon the term ‘zero waste living’ often. As noble as it sounds, many find themselves feeling intimidated by the thought of what such a lifestyle might entail. However, upon a bit of research, one might find that it is nothing but a series of choices one needs to make in order to lead a healthier and considerate life which amounts to minimal or no waste at all.
Simply put, a zero waste lifestyle is all about being open to the idea of slowing down, choosing effort over convenience and incorporating used or repurposed materials back into your regime, as much as possible.
How To Start Living A Zero Waste Lifestyle
Follow The 48 Hour Rule: Very often, it is our impulse buys which we are quickest to tget rid of. In order to avoid shopping impulsively, follow the 48 hour rule according to which, if an item has caught your eye then it must not be bought immediately but after 48 hours. This is especially effective when it comes to shopping online as it allows one to add an item to the wishlist and return to review it after several hours or days to assess if the item is really a necessity rather than an impulsive want.
Read The Fine Print and Learn About Labels: No matter if you are shopping for apparel, food or home essentials, reading the fine print about its composition and understanding the labels which indicate compostability or recyclability is crucial. Not only do these factors help in determining if a product is worth bringing into your home but also indicate if they can be replaced with a more eco friendly option
Opt for Plastic Alternatives: Perhaps the most important step towards achieving a zero waste lifestyle, replacing plastic with compostable or eco friendly alternatives can put one much ahead in their journey towards living a more conscious life. Agreeably, it is hard to escape plastic since every purchase one makes involves packaging and containers which are put out by businesses keeping their own convenience in mind, however that does not imply that individuals cannot work their way around this since it is customer demand that eventually drives supply.
When shopping from a local vendor of business ( with no substitutes) that still cannot provide eco-friendly packaging, the best course of action is carry your own containers and storage bags that are sustainable and reusable in nature. One such example of this is NaturTrust’s compostable plastic packaging. However, in the long run it is best to only support businesses who are committed towards offering eco-friendly products.
Explore DIY or Homemade Substitutes: Most people who lead a successful zero waste lifestyle are able to do so by reutilizing and repurposing the same items again and again rather than letting resources end up in the trash more often than not. This takes a combination of creative thinking and recognizing which items have the potential to be upcycled, in order to determine its longevity and end of life treatment. Creating a majority of daily use items at home, such as cleaning supplies, growing vegetables and making your own clothes also help in minimizing transaction costs and carbon footprints.
Sustainable Living is a journey rather than a destination and every step made consciously counts. Start small and within your means to drive big collective changes.
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