Why Using Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Bags are Need of the Hour?

Author: NaturTrust Time: 13-09-2022 11:36:51
eco friendly biodegradable bags

Today, alarming headlines such as “Environment degradation” and “Global Warming” have become common. Each one of us wishes to do something which can help to save the earth. However, we delay or ignore it, stating it is not meant for us giving elm of our busy schedule. Not anymore; at NaturTrust, we have understood the problem and brought a solution that you can include in your routine schedule and contribute to saving mother nature.

According to a recent report published by wordcounts.com, nearly 5 trillion plastic bag waste is what the earth bears in a year. It seems a drastic figure, but do you know the impact of these 5 trillion bags can stay on the ground/surface for as long as nearly the next 200 years? That seems like a horror story. What can be done is a daunting question though the answer is simple to initiate a start. Each of us uses a plastic bag once at the least in our daily routine; what if we can replace it with an eco-friendly biodegradable bag? A simple change in our way can reduce plastic bag waste by 1 trillion annually.

Let’s Understand the Features of Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Bags


  1.   Reduction in Carbon Emissions

Since most biodegradable bags are made from PLA bioplastic, a plant-based material, it helps reduce carbon emissions and results in a 500% overall reduction.

  1.   Leads to Waste Reduction

As biodegradable plastic takes less time and reduces and leads to waste, which can help in filling up the land composite and improve the beauty of our land over the years.

  1.   It Can be Recycled

The biodegradable bags are made from bioplastics which are superior to traditional plastic and can be recycled over the years or reproduced in different forms. This property of a biodegradable bag helps to create a source that can be reconsidered over the years.

Other benefits of biodegradable bags include saving scarce resources such as petrol, as they are made up of aids such as canes, peels, starch, and other plant-based materials.


Simply put, they are promoting products from a biodegradable bags manufacturer like NaturTrust to help improve plant-based business and save the earth. Naturtrust has been known to connect with farmers to procure waste and ensure that the plant-based waste is utilized to create biodegradable products such as paper cutlery, biodegradable bag, and much more so that future generations can also breathe and use earth as a place to live in rather than a garbage bin. All of the products manufactured by NaturTrust are compostable and can be utilized considerately to contribute to the environment and save the environment as a whole.

We hope the above points may help you understand the significance of biodegradable bags and pick a reliable compostable bags manufacturer in India to help reduce plastic and keep the environment green and clean.



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